Sunday, October 4, 2009


It is summer, and the Greek sky is shining by the sun’s golden fire rays.

I have made a tiring journey by ship, but by the end the outcome rewards me from the very first moment, while facing the new harbor of this sacred island.

I walk upon the dusty covered roads of  luminous  Delos and a thousand memories of ancient thought-forms float like little stars in the sky made of invisible little threads, so old and bound up with Ancient Earth.

People who walked upon the Sacred soil, talked, loved, suffered, lived their own lives walking through the narrow streets. Upon  those streets ,the ones  walking similarly  now days,  we  see wrecked houses, remnants singing their own rhythms.

Images and words, joys and dramas formed and grown in the cobbled roads of the Human Soul.

The view of  Delos seduces you, so that you sink in a sweet reverie, in a visualization of a life immersed in white and azure as in an invisible painting of a magnificent Creator, who lives Omnipresent, around us, and especially in our hearts.

In that very Centre of Earth, our heart opens its gates to spread and paint with  color the whole World, the color of Love.
It is that world that all artists of life plunge their brush and cast this color on the canvas of material reality.
At all times the ship of human existence was tossed dangerously by going  through turbulent waters and shaken by stormy winds.
Somewhere there inside the pitiless sea of centuries small communities aka cities with hidden  secrets, emerged and even today they bequeath to youth  (but probably less happy…) a principleof their splendor, a small heritage.

I stand across the ruins of lions, that seem to guard even until now the small island falling into a meditative state of mind.

It is in these unique moments that surprise overcomes you, for your  belief  that daily matters have depleted the last drop of the tranquility of your Spirit along with your invaluable inspiration, it’s exactly in that special moment those two strike from deep lethargy and mix with emotion to channel a powerful blend. 

It appears as  a trailer of a movie, where people stalk in front of you who intertwins with the crowd.
On this instant  the writer’s pen is authorized to  behold the steering wheel of narration, and  prevails…
“The Path to  Light stirs through prickly roads and stiffly ways…Whoever wishes to transverse this path needs to be armed with great patience and courage…”.

At the far end of the horizon I star the sun keeping on his course westwards, saluting good bye to the – ruined  from time and weather conditions – columns,  and the sandy paths.
Some of his rays transform the rocky beds into golden, while passing through tourists recall the coolness of the missing shadow upon this stripped from trees island.

A museum full of ancient monuments stands somewhere there at the edge of the path.
A scripture at the end of the big hall emphasizes the historical significance of the island and the amazing  co-existence of so many races of people under the umbrella of Harmony and Unity.
All nations lovingly united and not divided!

There is something left for us to learn from this image, it suffices to see beyond words……but, how many of us indeed do succeed that, and in what degree?

Does the word “ unity “ remind us anything?

Time raced forward, placing us face to face with ourselves, our karmic responsibilities, our life purpose, but how many of us are truly ready to live up to this timeless calling?
Are we ourselves closing the ways of evolution, placing obstacles to progress, to self-improvement, to upward path towards spiritual uplifting, while our ancestor’s richness is spread around like ripe fruits?

Knowledge is the wealth that we have accumulated from the Tree of Life and from the Wisdom of Centuries.

Taste this knowledge and accept its richness with grace in the present moment.
Create our “ Weltanschauung ” implementing the gifts of knowledge.
Offer the benefits of this positive energy to a thirsty world for a better future.

It lies in our hand to act the best for world free from negativity!

Copyright Katerina Kostaki

 Spiritual author-poetess

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Road the less Travelled

In those moments, when you feel drifted by the wave of nostalgia, feel as if travelling in the thoughts along the paths of mind, in those moments you feel that a new song is being born.

The song that affects you, that skyrockets you, that leads you to the centre of heart.You contemplate how much long and solitary the street of your life existence was, although a lot of people surrounded you.

Along that street you started walking, you did not even know neither the beginning, nor its end.In this course of life, full of lit white candles, thus fiery ideals, luminous virtues, holy principles of an alive system of values that exists , but in the corner of the path unknown lurks.

Deep darkness prevails in the crossroad, but the light scatters the darkness and brings the drops of happiness.

A secret voice whispers in your ear, a vibration strikes in your heart, a message is recorded in your brain with golden letters:

"Go ahead!!! ......"

........and you go ahead in that street that engraves your soul, paints your glance with the paintbrushes of love and truth.

You go ahead even though people are sneering at you, because you chose this gnarled path and not the easy one, because you did not succumb to facilities depreciation and the trivialisation of moral values.

You go ahead beyond scorn and decay imposed in your familiar environment.

You go ahead beyond temptation and regrouping, created by conditions of life, because you believe in its entirety, in the unit but not in the "making mincemeat of people" and in the "compression" of personality, in the transcendence and not in corruption.

You go ahead in that street that most of people hesitate or deny; even if they deeply wish they could follow, envying those who in deep faith follow it.

You go ahead because you know the only one and unique thing: that you are ultimately lucky for being in this path, after bloody labours and insurmountable efforts, looking at "the marks of your destiny".

You are grateful, though you have ached innumerable times from the blows of your fellowmen,from the unforgiving injustices committed to you because, you were not polluted, you did not succumb and made the wisest choice:

You walk in this path, selected by you and not imposed on you, because you kept your personal agreement with your clear conscience.

You walk along the road, "the road the less travelled" and eventually you walk free and alone.

*** Dedicated to those who keep striving......

Copyright Katerina Kostaki

Spiritual author-freelance article writer

My article was published in " Postal World “ and "Kataigis" newspapers


Εκείνες τις στιγμές που νιώθεις να σε παρασέρνει το κύμα της νοσταλγίας, τότε που νιώθεις να ταξιδεύουν οι σκέψεις μέσα στα μονοπάτια του μυαλού, εκείνες τις στιγμές αισθάνεσαι ότι μέσα σου γεννιέται ένα νέο τραγούδι.

Το τραγούδι που σε συγκινεί, που σε απογειώνει, που σε ταξιδεύει σε ένα δρόμο που καταλήγει στα μύχια της καρδιάς.

Τότε αναλογίζεσαι πόσο μακρύς και μοναχικός υπήρξε ο δρόμος της ζωής σου, παρότι κόσμος πολύς τριγύρω.

Στον δρόμο εκείνο που ξεκίνησες να βαδίζεις, δεν γνώριζες ούτε την αρχή, αλλά ούτε και το τέλος του.

Στο διάβα του υπήρχαν ολόασπρες λαμπάδες, πυρωμένα ιδεώδη, φωτεινές αξίες ιερά στοιχεία ενός ολοζώντανου συστήματος αξιών, αλλά στην γωνιά του μονοπατιού καραδοκούσε το άγνωστο.

Βαθύ σκοτάδι επικρατούσε στο σταυροδρόμι, αλλά το φως σκόρπιζε το σκότος και έφερνε τις σταγόνες ευτυχίας.

Μια μυστική φωνή σου ψιθυρίζει στο αυτί σου, ένας παλμός κτυπάει στην καρδιά σου, ένα μήνυμα καταγράφεται στο μυαλό σου με χρυσά γράμματα: Προχώρα!!! .......

και εσύ προχωράς στο δρόμο εκείνο που χάραξε η ψυχή σου, εκείνο που ζωγράφισε η ματιά σου με τα πινέλα της αγάπης και της αλήθειας.

Προχωράς ακόμη και όταν οι άλλοι σε χλευάζουν, γιατί διάλεξες αυτό το δύσβατο μονοπάτι και όχι το εύκολο, γιατί δεν ενέδωσες τις ευκολίες, την υποτίμηση και τον ευτελισμό των ηθικών αξιών.

Προχωράς πέρα από την απαξίωση και την παρακμή που κάποιοι επέβαλλαν στο οικείο περιβάλλον σου.

Προχωράς πέρα από τον πειρασμό και την ομαδοποίηση, που δημιουργούν οι συνθήκες της ζωής , γιατί εσύ πιστεύεις στο σύνολο, στην ενότητα αλλά όχι στην « κιμαδοποίηση » και στην σύνθλιψη της προσωπικότητας, στην υπέρβαση και όχι στον εκμαυλισμό.

Προχωράς σε εκείνον τον δρόμο που οι περισσότεροι διστάζουν ή αρνούνται, αν και κατά βάθος επιθυμούν να ακολουθήσουν, φθονώντας όσους πιστά τον ακολουθούν.

Προχωράς γιατί ξέρεις ένα και μοναδικό πράγμα: ότι είσαι εν τέλει τυχερός που βρίσκεσαι εδώ σε αυτό το μονοπάτι, μετά από αιματηρούς κόπους και ανυπέρβλητες προσπάθειες, κοιτάζοντας « τα σημάδια του πεπρωμένου σου ».

Χαίρεσαι παρότι έχεις πονέσει αμέτρητες φορές από τα κτυπήματα των συνανθρώπων σου, από τις αμετανόητες αδικίες που διαπράχτηκαν εις βάρος σου γιατί εσύ δεν μολύνθηκες, δεν υπέκυψες και έκανες την πιο σοφή επιλογή .

Βαδίζεις σε αυτόν τον δρόμο, που επέλεξες εσύ και δεν στον επέβαλαν, τήρησες την προσωπική σου συμφωνία με την καθαρή σου συνείδηση .

Βαδίζεις τον δρόμο τον « λιγότερο ταξιδεμένο » και βαδίζεις πάνω από όλα ελεύθερος και μόνος.

***Αφιερωμένο σε όσους συνεχίζουν να παλεύουν....

Copyright Κατερίνα Κωστάκη


Το άρθρο μου δημοσιεύτηκε στις εφημερίδες "Ταχυδρομικός Κόσμος" και "Καταιγίς"

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Universal Law of Detatchment

One of the most important Universal Laws is the Law of Detachment stating that someone has to detach from outcome in order to attract something he mostly desires.

By attaching to the outcome all opposite to your desire elements will be attracted, instead of those you are awaiting for.

All we have to do is rely on God's Will as everything is acquired through detachment which is based on the deep feeling of resting in the total grace of Him.

Attachment means connection with anxiety and insecurity. Both of them cause unhappiness.

Evolution comes when people detach from security and known and follow the path of uncertainty.

Just make a statement of your desires and dreams and let yourself detach from how and when they are going to manifest in your life.

Surrender to God's Will and let yourselves accept he Universe's eternal assistance.It's a Universe full of Love, ideas and mercy.

No one should feel abandoned or alone. We are all children of a compassionate God, our God Father. He's the greatest Divine Power that dwells within us and empowers His beloved children with magnificent gifts.Indeed it's a Universe full of compassion with open gates to miraculous worlds, seen and unseen by travellers of imagination and Faith.

We should unchain ourselves from detrimental, poisonous negative feelings like resentment, hater, grudge, anger and replace them with unconditional Love.

Love is a healing mind remedy.

Love refines our consciousness.
Align yourselves with Divine empowerment and receive Holy Grace and fulfilment.

by Katerina Kostaki
Author-article writer

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο μπορείτε να διαβάσετε την παρουσίαση που έγινε απο τον διαδικτυακό χώρο e-magazino.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ένας από τους πιο σημαντικούς Συμπαντικούς Νόμους είναι ο νόμος της Απόσπασης, που δηλώνει ότι κάποιος πρέπει να αποστασιοποιηθεί από το αποτέλεσμα , ώστε να ελκύσει αυτό που περισσότερο επιθυμεί.

Με το να προσκολλάτε στο αποτέλεσμα όλα τα αντίθετα στην επιθυμία σας στοιχεία θα προσελκυσθούν εκτός από αυτά που περιμένετε.Αυτό που πρέπει να κάνουμε είναι να στηριχτούμε στην Θέληση του Θεού εφόσον οτιδήποτε αποκτιέται μέσω της Απόσπασης, η οποία βασίζεται στο βαθύ αίσθημα της στήριξης στην πλήρη χάρη Του.

Προσκόλληση σημαίνει σύνδεση με την ανησυχία και την ανασφάλεια .

Και οι δυο προκαλούν δυστυχία.

Η εξέλιξη έρχεται όταν οι άνθρωποι αποστασιοποιούνται από την ασφάλεια και το γνωστό και ακολουθούν το μονοπάτι της αβεβαιότητας.

Μόνο κάντε μια δήλωση των επιθυμιών και των ονείρων σας και αφήστε τον εαυτό σας να αποσπαστεί από το πώς και πότε αυτά μπορεί να δηλωθούν στην ζωή σας.Παραδοθείτε στην Θέληση του Θεού και την αιώνια Συμπαντική βοήθεια.

Είναι ένα Σύμπαν γεμάτο Αγάπη, ιδέες και έλεος. Κανένας δεν πρέπει να νιώθει εγκατελελειμένος ή μόνος.

Ήμαστε όλοι παιδιά ενός συμπονετικού Θεού, του Θεού Πατέρα μας.

Είναι η μεγαλύτερη Θεία Δύναμη που κατοικεί μέσα μας και παρέχει στα αγαπημένα του παιδιά φανταστικά δώρα.

Αληθινά είναι ένα Σύμπαν γεμάτο συμπόνια με ανοικτές πύλες σε θαυμαστούς κόσμους , ορατούς και μη ορατούς σε ταξιδιώτες της φαντασίας και Πίστης.

Πρέπει να αποδεσμεύσουμε τους εαυτούς μας από τα επιζήμια, δηλητηριώδη , αρνητικά συναισθήματα , όπως η εγκατάλειψη , μίσος ,κακία, θυμός και να τα αντικαταστήσουμε με Αγάπη.Η Αγάπη είναι νοητική θεραπεία .

Η Αγάπη καθαρίζει την συνείδηση .

Ευθυγραμμιστείτε με την Θεϊκή Παροχή και παραλάβετε την Θεία Χάρη και εκπλήρωση.

Κατερίνα Κωστάκη



ENDLESS JOURNEY NEWSLETTER -SEPTEMBER 2009 -Philotimo/Love of honor and ungratefulness

The word “philotimo” (Lover of honor), which is purely a Greek word, is very difficult to be found in an English dictionary, as the definition of this word has been infused and inherited in the collective unconscious of the Greek culture.
Many Greek friends might smile when reading about the importance of «philotimo», knowing by experience what that essentially means.... 

Eventually the more I get in search for the meaning of the word “philotimo” , the more I consider that its significance is deeper and extending beyond historical, philosophical, psychological and social horizons.
Existence of which I had never anticipated before.
According to the thesis of Ninon Chrysohoos & Robert Porter Lynch (1), philotimo (Love of honor) means “ philo-love + timi-honor” and it is considered as an “extremely sensitive region of men's souls that gives forth gallantry, nobility and moral pride; it is the sense of honor and dignity.” (2) :

Also according to the website of the Encyclopaedia of Orthodoxy (3) : philotimos is someone who lives, thinks and works with an honest and full of virtue way in any situation. 

He who acts with love, kindness, responsibility, pain and compassion for others.

Someone who is generous in a few words.

I would like to add to the above mentioned statements that Philotimos (similar word: generous) acts by heart, because he thinks that is really good (anc. greek : «αγαθόν») for someone to help his fellows, even though they do not recognize or overlook it many a time.... (My personal opinion).

Ancient Greeks believed that someone should be “philotimos” , as the opposition «AFILOTIMIA» ( the lack of value/honor ) was a shame. 

Of course, Ancient Greeks had developed an amazing system of values, so that someone in order to gain understanding must have depth to the very etymology of words and their interpretation, and the fact itself they had comprehended in order for a society being functional should rely consciously on - not imposed by humans - Laws, but Universal Laws (Divine). 

Aside to that implication , Laws and Values are related to Harmony and Order in conjunction with the cooperation (Synergy) –(4). 

By this way they suppressed their fear of betrayal and the possibility of someone putting his merit over the merit of all. 

Even nowadays modern Greeks state that someone has to appeal on someone’s philotimo, to touch his willing to offer help and assistance . 

Philotimia’s or generosity’s true meaning and application has been circumvented and remains on risk of being diminished not only from dictionaries, but from our society we live in. 

Instead of that ,something that prevails in our age is the reciprocation to someone’s good intention to help «filotima» (honourably) with ungratefulness. 

The arc of philotimo is too small to stop the lack of values, selfishness, the little and large merits, and fears of people. 

In front of philotimo a detrimental selfish tendency of people to think and act by mind ( and not by soul ) is heightened .

«Why should I help someone, if not having benefit?», is an intimate question posed by someone who thinks selfishly. 

Or in the worst case to use the phrase : «The end justifies the means» -(5), which is more tragic, because it is used in many ways even for supposed spiritual and holy purposes, such as spreading Spiritual / Universal Laws! 

Of course now we are getting to the abuse of the very good intention for offering and love. 

Then, someone who is philotimos/generous risks to become a victim in the “ altar ” of individual plans and aspirations or of the insatiable foresight for control and supremacy. 

(This is an issue that I will possibly explain in a later newsletter of mine ). 

All this occur in a society that constantly refuses to cut grasps with Matrix, where the co-operators or associates (of the society ) are afraid to allow themselves risk by following a brighter and less materialistic way . 

Maybe that is the reason for philotimos / generous people being paid in the currency of ungratefulness, due to their accordance to laws and values rooted in their subconscious and for transcending the shackles of conventional reality. 

The soul of a philotimos/generous man /woman is full of experiences, ideals, virtues, knowledge and wisdom. 

All these co- exist to create an integrated man, for Knowledge without Wisdom can not exist as well as without implementation. 

Knowledge itself without the «Synergy» of Wisdom, Virtue, Justice, Valour Prudence can not exist. 

The ideas and goods are born and implemented by people who are carrying the legacy of our Creator’s values, because they allowed themselves to listen to the voice of their heart and overcome their “ego”. 

Creator cultivates the image, literally « embroiders » on a transcendental canvas, what is transferred from the human soul, known as “creations”.

Creator not only has spoken within, but was heard too!

Those who work by philotimia (Love of honour) and truly act according to this value, definitely flee away to Light, because they risk their aid for good deeds towards their fellows, even though they do not expect anything in return. 

In contrast to those who watch the Light, but touch it with them fingertips like a distant star in the sky, for they fly bounded to the “dark machine of Matrix”, reluctant to offer and share their love and understanding residing within, due to their fear of losing ....


Copyright Katerina Kostaki
Author-poetess-freelance article writer 
Author of "Cosmic Light", poetry book - Xlibris Publishing and The Angels Planet on


**Translation of the above article in Greek language:

*All rights of the above text are reserved. You may republish this article as long as it bears enough the full details of the author (name, occupation – websites - e mail address).

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A Journey along the Pathway to Light
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